Agile Business Map: The Ideal Method to Maximize Your Projects

Mapa Ágil de negocios: el método ideal para maximizar tus proyectos

Hello enthusiastic entrepreneur! Today, we dive into the exciting world of entrepreneurship. We’ll start by explaining how an Agile Business Map can be your best ally to organize and enhance your venture. Discover how this tool can revolutionize the way we plan and execute your entrepreneurial ideas. If you’re looking for a powerful tool to bring your business visions to life and take them to the next level, keep reading!

What is the Agile Business Map?

Imagine having a blank canvas where you can outline all the essential parts of your business clearly and concisely. That’s precisely what the Agile Map offers, developed by the EGM Entrepreneur Growth Mode method. The Agile Business Map is a one-page document that we consider alive. It’s a document that will be adjusted and improved throughout the process of launching and building your business.

This visual methodology will help you describe, visualize, and validate the key components of your business model. Everything is summarized clearly in one place, from your value proposition to your distribution channels.

Benefits of adopting the Lean Canvas business model:

  • Customer Segments: Who are your customers? Clearly define the different segments you plan to serve.
  • Problem Identification: What is the problem in the market?
  • Product or Service: What is the solution?
  • Unique Selling Proposition: Why is your product or service unique?
  • Value Proposition and Unique Selling Proposition: What are you going to communicate? What problem are you solving for your customers? Describe concisely why your product or service is unique and valuable.
  • Distribution Channels: How will you reach your customers? Explore the different channels you will use to reach your target market.
  • Marketing and Sales Plan: What is the plan?
  • Team: What is the team? Who do you need that you don’t have today?
  • Competition: What existing solutions are there? Emphasis on differentiators
  • Financials: Price? Sales – Cost? COGS – Margin?

Element #1: Customer Segment

Having a product that spans an entire nation sounds enticing, but for entrepreneurs, it could be more practical and realistic. Why is it unwise to try to sell to everyone?

There are two fundamental reasons: if your product or service is designed to meet everyone’s needs, you can’t clearly define the specific problem you’re solving for your customer because each person has different needs. 

This point leads us to the second reason: if you can’t clearly define the specific problem you’re solving, how can you effectively communicate it to people so they understand how your product or service benefits them?

Define your current customer by answering these questions:

  1. Know your current customer:
  • Who are the people who are already buying your product or service?
  • Identify the customers who most enjoy and use what you offer.
  • Notice what they have in common: age, interests, problems they solve with your product?
  1. Create a basic profile of your ideal customer:
  • Imagine a person who would be perfect for your business.
  • Give them a fictitious name, age, job, and what they like to do in their spare time.
  • Think about what they look for in a product or service like yours.
  1. Understand their problems and needs:
  • What problems or challenges does your ideal customer face in their daily life?
  • How can your product or service make their life easier, better, or more fun?
  • Think about how your business solves a specific problem for this person.
  1. Identify where you can find them:
  • Where does your ideal customer spend time online and offline?
  • Examine social networks, interest groups, events, or places they frequent.
  1. Find what they like about your business:
  • Discover which aspects of your product or service are most appealing to them.
  • What makes them choose your business over similar ones?
  1. Be flexible and adjust constantly:
  • As you learn more, adjust your ideal customer profile.
  • Stay up-to-date with new trends and changes in their tastes and preferences.

A practical example of the ideal customer:

  • Name: Juanita
  • Age: 28 years old
  • Job: Freelance graphic designer
  • Location: big city or metropolitan area

Main problem: has little time to cook healthy meals during her working day.

What she’s looking for: a quick and healthy solution for her lunches, preferably one that can be ordered online and is budget-friendly.

Where to find her: active on Instagram, follows healthy food accounts, and looks for discounts and promotions online.

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This ideal customer profile will help you focus your marketing efforts and design products or services that solve real problems for people like Juanita. Remember, the more precise you are about who your ideal customer is, the more effective your strategies will be to reach them and turn them into happy customers. Go ahead, entrepreneur, get to know your customers, and make your business grow!

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